Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Moving Pictures

It's moving day at last!

Registrar Niki Neal moving out...

...and moving in.

Business Manager Derrick Williams in the new Parking Office

IT Specialist Van Ky in the communications closet

Finishing touches outside...

...and inside

Thanks to Gilbane Assistant Supervisor Jamie Sarver!

Thanks to NOVA project manager Dan Priest!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Red Letter Day

July 29, 2008

It's a red-letter day for the Alexandria Campus. Phase III has a certificate of occupancy and it's time to MOVE IN!
And helping to make that happen are the campus IT staff and the Dean of Educational Support Services who are moving and installing staff computers tonight.

Dave Babel

Max Alleyne

Tariq Arsalayee

Dave Williams

Thanks, guys!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Two More Weeks

The move into Phase III is scheduled for the week of July 28, and lots of the finishing touches are...nearly finished!

The construction fence has come down.

New sod is in place.

Trees have been planted.

The entrance is nearly ready.

The reception desk is in place.

The Counseling suite is nearly ready for new students... is the Business Office.
The theatre is nearly ready for groups.

Walls, floors and restrooms are bright with colorful paint and tile.

How much longer for the construction trailer?

The Phase III ribbon cutting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 17. Mark your calendars now and plan to join us in the celebration!